Reproduction de l’Échasse blanche à la retenue collinaire El Mellah (Constantine, Algérie)

Une nouvelle note est publiée dans le Go-South Bulletin sur la reproduction de l’Échasse blanche à Constantine (Algérie).


Breeding of the Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus at El Mellah hill reservoir, Constantine, Algeria.

Ornithological surveys in the wilaya of Constantine, north-east Algeria have been initiated by the ÉcoCirta association in 2014 to improve the knowledge of the local avifauna. This led to the discovery of the nesting of Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus at one of the surveyed sites, El Mellah hill reservoir. This is the first documented breeding of the species in the region of Constantine.


Haddad, K. & Dekkiche, S. 2023. Reproduction de l’Échasse blanche Himantopus himantopus à la retenue collinaire El Mellah, Constantine, Algérie. Go-South Bulletin 20: 5-13.

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