13 March 2019 – Stone Curlew breeding at Mijk

Deux jeunes de quelques jours d’Oedicnème criard Burhinus oedicnemus à Mijk le 7 mars 2019 (Nico @ Dakhla Rovers, Gerald Broddelez et al.)

This is the second breeding record for Mijk, an early one. The first record was on 29 July 2017 – 2 young a few day old – which means a late laying.

The Stone Curlew is known to breed in the Atlantic Oued Ad Deheb but there was only one detailed record in addition to these 2 at Mijk: 2 young a week old on 27 November 2012 at Imlili (autumn breeding).

Now the question is: does it breed in the interior, for example at Oued Jenna?


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