15 October 2015 – Yellow-browed Warbler at Rabat

Un Pouillot à grands sourcils (Yellow-browed Warbler, Phylloscopus inornatus) au Jardin d’Essais Botaniques de Rabat le 15 octobre (detected by hear and later spotted with binoculars; seen at close range (c.5m) as it foraged on the canopy of trees; small Phylloscopus warbler, smaller than Phylloscopus collybita and trochilus, with white underparts and greenish upperparts; obvious yellow supercillium and wing stripe on the greater coverts; faint paler middle of crown bill bicoloured, from orangish on the base to dark on the tip; legs seemed dark or orangish-dark but were hard to see as the bird was very active; call a fast >FiuÍ!< (recorded) heard around four times during fifteen minutes or so, most of the time the bird was silent).

Pouillot à grands sourcils, Yellow-browed Warbler, Phylloscopus inornatus. Rabat, 15 octobre 2015 (© Pedro Fernandes)
Pouillot à grands sourcils, Yellow-browed Warbler, Phylloscopus inornatus. Rabat, 15 octobre 2015 (© Pedro Fernandes)

Egalement, 12 Mésanges nord-africaines, 1 Mésange charbonnière, 3 Troglodytes mignons, 21 Pouillots fitis, 2 Pouillots véloces (nominal), 4 Pouillots véloces ou P. ibériques, 1 Hypolaïs obscure (late migrant? Seen well feeding on berries on the canopy of a tree – wide bill with orangish mandible, pale lores, pink/grey legs), 1 Rousserolle effarvatte, 1 Fauvette des jardins, 1 Fauvette grisette, 2 Gobemouches gris, 11 Rougegorges familiers, 17 Gobemouches noirs, 7 Rougequeues à front blanc, 2 Tariers pâtres, 1 Pipit des arbres (Pedro Fernandes)


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