Marc Illa pointed the abundance of Isabelline Wheatears in the Tafilalt this year. Kirsten Kraetzel and Soenke Tautz have also seen 2 – 3 birds at Aousserd on 20th February – Photo above. Dans...Read More
Abundance of Isabelline Wheatears in the Tafilalt this year! Marc Illa and friends have seen a total of, minimum, 25 Isabelline Wheatears, between 29 Febreuary and 2 March, including 10 at Tagdilt Tra...Read More
There has been a Kelp Gull at Pointe de la Sarga at Dakhla on 6th February 2020. Kirsten Kraetzel, Soenke Tautz and their German friends found a different bird there only ten days later, on 17th and 1...Read More
A terrific observation of a Honey Badger Mellivora capensis about 55 km to Aousserd on the 17th of February. This observation follow the one I had last year without any picture (unfortunately) togethe...Read More
Photographie de deux Goélands marins Larus marinus à la lagune de Khnifiss le 27 novembre 2019 (Jean-Noël Pitaud). En sus, Jean-Noël nous transmet quelques autres observations intéressantes de no...Read More
A Kelp Gull immature and a Red-throated Pipit, both seen on the 6 February at Pointe de la Sarga, Dakhla (Javi Elorriaga, Nicoló Calcagno et al.)...Read More
A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: El Krik, B. & Bousadik, H. 2020. Un Grand-duc d’Europe près d’Al Hoceima. Go-South Bulletin 17 : 22-23....Read More
Deux Pipits à dos olive (Olive-backed Pipit, Anthus hodgsoni) photographiés aujourd’hui 19 février 2020 à Dakhla (Javi Elorriaga). Dixième observation marocaine....Read More
Une Mouette atricille (Laughing Gull, Larus atricilla) photographiée le 14 février à Essaouira (Andrze Kośmicki et Helena Trzeciak). Huitième ou neuvième observation de cette espèce néarctique...Read More
A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Aouissa, S. ; Khoubizi, M. ; Rahmani, M. ; Bayed, A. & Qninba, A. 2020. Le Phoque à capuchon Cystophora cristata (Pinnipedia, Phocidae), un visit...Read More