Diversité des oiseaux d’eau hivernants dans les zones humides tunisiennes

Un nouvel article est publié dans le Go-South Bulletin (21) sur la diversité des oiseaux d’eau hivernants dans les zones humides tunisiennes.


Diversity of waterbirds wintering in Tunisian wetlands.

In Tunisia, many wetlands are recognized as important sites for the conservation of waterbirds. In order to improve our knowledge of the avifauna inhabiting these wetlands, we conducted repeated counts of waterbirds in 43 Tunisian wetlands, between December and January 2020-2021. In total, 365,445 birds belonging to 10 orders, 17 families and 75 species were recorded. Anatidae (35%), Phoenicopteridae (27%), Laridae (14%) and Scolopacidae (7%) were the most abundant groups. The most abundant species were the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus, Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata, Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei, Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope and Eurasian Teal Anas crecca, together accounting for 60% of the records. Moreover, for twenty-one species, the recorded numbers exceeded the 1% population level criterion of the Ramsar Convention. A multi-year survey would be needed to better understand the diversity and dynamics of this avifauna and to address related conservation issues.


Hamza, F., Dlensi, H., Elghoul, M., Yacoubi, L., Hammouda, N., Ghlis, A., Jemaa, B., El Golli, M. O. & Chokri, M.-A. 2024. Diversité des oiseaux d’eau hivernants dans les zones humides tunisiennes. Go-South Bulletin 21: 01-13.

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