Première nidification de l’Ibis Falcinelle dans le Nord-Est du Maroc

Une nouvelle note est publiée dans le Go-South Bulletin (21) sur la reproduction de l’Ibis falcinelle à Marchica, dans le nord-est du Maroc


First breeding of Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) in North-Eastern Morocco.

Since the second decade of the 20th century, the Glossy Ibis has expanded its wintering and breeding range across several sites in north-western and western Morocco. However, despite this range expansion, the species has remained rare during the winter in the north-east, with no evidence of breeding. The aim of this note is to document the first recorded breeding of the Glossy Ibis in Sebkha Bou Areg and the Oriental region.


Azaouaghe, S. & Oujidi, B. 2024. Première nidification de l’Ibis falcinelle (Plegadis falcinellus) dans le Nord-Est du Maroc. Go-South Bulletin 21: 33-39.

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