Un exemple des premières pages de notre futur ouvrage sur les Oiseaux du Sahara Atlantique marocain qui sortira de presse sous quelques mois. Ce livre présentera les 383 espèces d’oiseaux ...Read More
A Pallid Harrier (Busard pâle, Circus macrourus) at Oued Jenna on 13 February (Mårten Wikström, Claes Wikström, Erik Rask). 7th spring record (Feb-March) in the Atlantic Sahara....Read More
La fin du voyage du ‘Big Year WP 2017 team’ (Mårten Wikström, Claes Wikström, Erik Rask) est maintenant disponible. Un prochain voyage est prévu en avril....Read More
The Magpie is an uncommon to common resident in Morocco and was known as Pica pica mauritanica (this subspecies restricted to Northwest Africa). The new World Checklist produces by Birdlife Internatio...Read More
4 Kelp Gulls, two adult and two probable 2nd winter birds at Khnifiss on 15 February (the Big Year WP 2017 team: Mårten Wikström, Claes Wikström, Erik Rask)...Read More
A new paper from Yvonne Lawrie et al. analyses the taxonomic position and breeding range of Golden Nightjar Caprimulgus eximius. It concludes that it is closest related to Egyptian Nightjar. Go...Read More
Première mention de la Perruche à collier Psittacula krameri à Meknès, non loin de la Faculté des Sciences, le 15 février (Jacques Franchimont) First record of a Ring-necked Parakeet Psit...Read More
Two new papers are available in Go-South Bulletin: Rihane, A. & El Hamoumi, R. 2017. Les observations hivernales d’Aigle botté Hieraaetus pennatus au Maroc. Go-South Bulletin 14 : 15-19. Bergi...Read More
On 13-14 February, the Big Year WP 2017 team (Mårten Wikström, Claes Wikström, Erik Rask) had a great time at Oued Jenna, including a few Sudan Golden Sparrows and Golden Nightjars (recording here)...Read More