12 August 2020 – COVID-19 pandemic impacts on ecotourism and wildlife protection in Morocco

Un intéressant article de notre confrère S.I. Cherkaoui : Cherkaoui, S.I. ; Boukherouk, M. ; Lakhal, T. ; Aghzar, A. & El Youssfi, L. 2020. Conservation Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Ecotourism Collapse Threatens Communities and Wildlife in Morocco. E3S Web of Conferences 183, 01003. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202018301003

COVID-19 pandemic has had huge impacts on multiple industries and sectors, not just ecotourism and wildlife protection in Morocco. Ecological health and wildlife are a critical resource for the country’s tourism sector recovery. Conservation is considered as one of the industries that are hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the threats facing biodiversity and protected areas have been exacerbated during and following the outbreak with practices such as poaching, wildlife trafficking, and forest logging activities resumed due to the country lockdown and ecotourism collapse. Conservationists should take emergency actions in the short-term to help rural communities and grassroots organizations and review ways to achieve conservation and sustainability goals in the post-pandemic era.

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