A Lanner Falcon with only one (ill-formed) eye photographed on 27 April 2012 by Martin Roost (http://www.chclub300.ch/gallery/Suchen/index.php?show_img=14625&lan=1) is still alive nearly 3 years a...Read More
Waouu.. It’s not one or even six but… a minimum of 28 birds seen and photographed yesterday at Bir Anzarane by Stephen Menzie and members of the Association Nature Initiative, Dakhla. Comm...Read More
New pictures of the Glaucous Gull (Goéland bourgmestre, Gavión hiperbóreo) Larus hyperboreus at Khnifiss, 25 January (Boris & Philippe Delahaie). Il s’agit d’un oiseau de 1er hiv...Read More
A Golden Sparrow at Bir Anzarane today (A. Qninba & ANI). Northern record to date: the previous ones were all from Oued Jenaa and Awserd area, c. 130 km to the South. This species is possibly not ...Read More
Près d’Awserd, une aire et un couple d’Aigles royaux sur le petit massif de Bouloutad au nord ouest de Derramane et un immature à Laglate. Sur le flanc ouest du massif de Laglate, un coup...Read More
A (2nd winter) Glaucous Gull (Goéland bourgmestre, Gavión hiperbóreo) Larus hyperboreus was at Khnifiss on 25 January (Juan José Ramos Melo, Pedro González de Campo & Daniel Medina). Second ...Read More
An adult Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus was at Dakhla between the town and Punta de la Sarga on 20 January (Juan José Ramos Melo, Pedro González de Campo & Daniel Medina)...Read More