22 January 2016 – Records from the Atlantic Sahara

Selection of records from the Atlantic Sahara, January 2016 (Juan Ramírez, Andrés de la Cruz, Juan Miguel González & Juan José Iglesias)

10 January

  • Tiznit – Mirleft – Sidi Ifni: 2 Buteo rufinus, Spilopelia senegalensis, Apus pallidus around Aglou, Tchagra senegala crossing the road before Mirleft
  • Sidi Ifni – Oued Noun – Guelmim: Aquila adalberti (2-3 young birds, unmarked), Aquila chrysaetos (2 young birds), Aquila fasciata (6-7 young birds), Pandion haliaetus (adult male at the Oued Noun mouth), 6 Buteo rufinus, Falco biarmicus (2 adults), Corvus corax

11 January

  • Guelmim – Plage Blanche – Guelmim: 5 Phoenicopterus roseus, 8 Marmaronetta angustirostris, Aquila adalberti (2 different youngs with GPS devices and PVC rings), Aquila chrysaetos (2 youngs), Buteo rufinus, Circus cyaneus (1 adult female), Circus pygargus (a young bird close to Plage Blanche), one Falco peregrinus, Falco biarmicus (1 adult and 1 young), Falco tinnunculus, Gallinago gallinago, Tringa totanus, Tringa nebularia (with PVC: red in left tibia and yellow over green in right tibia), Cursorius cursor (2 birds at Plage Blanche), 4-5 Burhinus oedicnemus, Alectoris barbara, Calandrella rufescens, 2 Rhamphocorys clotbey, Anthus pratensis, Turdus merula, Oenanthe oenanthe (many birds near Guelmim), Oenanthe leucopyga, Oenanthe leucura, Oenanthe moesta, Oenanthe deserti, Phoenicurus moussieri, Phylloscopus collybita, Turdoides fulvus, Sturnus unicolor

12 January

  • Guelmim-Tantan: Buteo rufinus, Buteo buteo (1 bird near Tan-Tan), Falco biarmicus (1 adult)
  • Tantan – Mouth of river Draa: 12-15 Phalacrocorax carbo maroccanus, 5-10 Phoenicopterus roseus, Ciconia ciconia (5 birds roosting in Tan-Tan), one Buteo rufinus, 1 Pandion haliaetus, Falco tinnunculus, one Hydroprogne caspia, 50+ Thalasseus sandvicensis, less than 25 Sterna hirundo, one Larus genei, Calandrella rufescens, Scotocerca inquieta (a few pairs), Phylloscopus collybita

13 January

  • Tantan – el Ain – Aferkat – Aouinet Ighoumane – Assa: Buteo rufinus (7+), 10 Milvus migrans, Circus macrourus (1 young bird nearby El Ain), Aquila chrysaetos (1 young, 1 immature, 1 adult), Aquila fasciata (2 adults plus a pair in its nest near Aouinet Ighoumane), Falco biarmicus (1 young), Bubo ascalaphus (1 bird smashed on the road), Alectoris Barbara, 2 Pterocles orientalis, Ramphocorys clotbey

14 January

  • Sidi Ifni – Oued Noun – Sidi Ifni: Buteo rufinus (1 pair in its nest near Sidi Ifni), one Buteo buteo, Aquila fasciata (8-13 birds, all young but 1 subadult), Aquila chrysaetos (1-2 young), Aquila adalberti (3 young birds including one with a GPS device), Apus pallidus

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