9 March 2014

Yesterday, we had stunning views (mid-day) of a male Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse in a wadi 56 km from Foum Zguid and 76 km from Tata in the wadi south of the road. We also found two scrub warblers... Read More

6 March 2014

‘We are just back in Dahkla after a fruitful trip to Awserd: yesterday (4 March) we had a Dunn’s lark at km 68 before awserd, Cricket Warblers were very abundant and seen from km 100 befor... Read More

4 March 2014

16-18 février. Des vents violents sur le bas Draa et la Saquiat Al Hamra soulèvent des montagnes de poussière, handicapant les observations. Il n’y a de fait que très peu d’oiseaux visibles. &... Read More

4 March 2014

In the Ziz-valley both Brown-necked raven and Common Raven are present but Common Raven is rare. At the « abbreuvoir » near Borj-Jerdi at N31.84748/W004.25303 we found 10 Thick-billed Larks on mar... Read More

2 March 2014

L’un des 2 Goélands bourgmestres (Larus hyperboreus – Glaucous Gull) trouvé à Essaouira début février par Rik van der Starre (http://maroc.observado.org/soort/photos/255?from=2014-02-06... Read More

2 March 2014

Synthèse des observations de Moineaux dorés à l’Oued Jenaa en février : — 1 février : les photos sont disponibles sur http://seppokjarvinen.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Marokko+2014/Sudan+Golde... Read More

2 March 2014

It is still time to register to the VIIèmes JOURNNEES INTERNATIONALES OISEAUX D’EAU ET ZONES HUMIDES which will be held at marrakech on 20-22 March 2014. Please look at www.grepom.org or get in ... Read More

2 March 2014

— 28 February: North of Tamri, even north of the radio towers we had 13 Northern Bald Ibisses. At Tamri estuary on the beach we’ve read 9 ringed Adouins gulls. At Cape Rhir we sat from 12.... Read More