A leucistic Yellow-legged Gull photographed at Nador on 29 April (S. Azaouaghe). The bird was first seen at Beni Enzar, Nador, on 19 March (D. Jeréz)...Read More
The Franklin’s Gull was still there on 17 April (best seen from 31.09807, -4.04749). The next day, there was a Lesser Flamingo in breeding plumage – 17th record for Morocco, the 4th at Merzouga (G...Read More
‘Mohammed Hilmi and I have been monitoring the Glossy Ibis colony in Rabat and this last Sunday (February 14th), along with Hassan Hassani, we managed to get a better idea about its actual size — ...Read More
A Yellow-browed Warbler captured on 13 April at Yasmina near Merzouga. The bird showed some fat, perhaps suggesting a long flight and thus, coming from S Sahara (Marc Illas, Georg Gruber, Armando Aisp...Read More
(updated 17 April 2019, record of Javi Elorriaga Bts 30 March, John L. Muddeman 14 April) The Dunn’s Lark is now well known from the Aousserd road (Inner Oued Ad Deheb, Atlantic Sahara). Outside of ...Read More
There are only a few breeding records of Great Spotted Cuckoo in Morocco, including hosts feeding young from early April (near Taroudant, 3 and 4 April 1990 – Maumary & Duperrex 1991) to end Apr...Read More
A recent trip provided a big flock of Desert Sparrows with 150+ birds and 7 Golden Sudan Sparrows at Oued Chiaf (Golden Nightjar is still in the same breeding area), another big flock of Desert Sparr...Read More
An adult male (presumed) hybrid Collared x Pied Flycatcher ringed at Yasmina this morning (Marc Illa, Ivan Maggini, Armando Aispuro and Georg Gruber)...Read More