The Blue-winged Teal from Rabat (Takkadoum) was still present on 19 March. ‘Unfortunately we also saw a team of cartographers taking measurements. Mohammed talked with them and they told him that a ...Read More
On s’y attendait bien sûr, mais voilà la première preuve de nidification de l’Engoulevent doré Caprimulgus eximius au Maroc : un adulte sur deux jeunes à l’Oued Chiaf près d’Aousserd le...Read More
‘Hier 17 mars au lac El Oulfa à Casablanca (en pleine ville), observation d’une héronnière mixte en pleine activité : au moins 24 nids d’Ibis falcinelle Plegadis falcinellus avec cou...Read More
‘At Merzouga lake there are plenty of birds. I had at least 4 Spotted Crakes a few days ago, and also 2 Water Pipits which I wasn’t expecting to see so far south!’ (Marc Illa) The water Pipi...Read More
Marc Illa and his team have captured 3 presumed ‘albistriata’ Subalpine Warblers on 14 March. ‘We have had a situation of dominant NE – E winds for the last days (including a strong NE san...Read More
So far, Marc Illa and his team have ringed 2 Balearic Woodchat Shrikes Lanius senator badius at Yasmina (actually the only Woodchats they have caught so far). ‘This taxon in probably not a rarity as...Read More
‘This Sunday 10 March, near El Harcha, Oulmès, Mohammed Hilmi and I saw a good number of migrating Short-toed Eagles and a few other species, including three Egyptian Vultures ( More
Bram Piot from Senegal Wildlife has analyzed the status of the Iberian Chiffchaff in Senegal : ‘The Iberian Chiffchaff is indeed quite frequent in northern Senegal. Recent reports mainly come f...Read More
Deux jeunes de quelques jours d’Oedicnème criard Burhinus oedicnemus à Mijk le 7 mars 2019 (Nico @ Dakhla Rovers, Gerald Broddelez et al.) This is the second breeding record for Mijk, an early one...Read More
Bernard Recorbet signalait un Fuligule à bec cerclé (Aythya collaris, Ring-necked Duck) mâle en plumage nuptial le 1 février à Oualidia ( J. ven de Vries &...Read More