Observation of a White-headed Duck at Dayet Dar Bouazza, a small relict wetland complex located some 15 Km from the centre of Casablanca. This is the southernmost site for the species in Morocco. Daye...Read More
Report about the breeding of a colony of 140 Pied Avocets at the Moulouya estuary Ramsar site during the current breeding season. Au Maroc, l’Avocette élégante (Recurvirostra avossetta) a un s...Read More
An immature Hooded Vulture observed at Jbel Moussa in April and May 2023. Un Vautour charognard (Necrosyrtes monachus) immature observé avec un groupe de Vautours percnoptères (Neophron percnopterus...Read More
An adult Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) and an 2cy Bonaparte’s Gull (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) were found at Oued Souss on 6 April 2023 by the Irish birder Owen Foley. Both birds stayed...Read More
Deux Goélands bruns (Larus fuscus) bagués ont été observés à Essaouira le 5 avril 2023 par les birdwatcheurs finlandais Valtteri Salonen et Paul Boijer. Le Goéland brun (principalement de la so...Read More
Deux Avocettes élégantes de la Bulgarie et d’Ukraine hivernant à Marchica, sur la côte méditerranéenne du Maroc. Ce sont probablement les premiers individus de cette espèce de la région de l...Read More
In Morocco, the Black-headed Gull is a common winter visitor and a recent breeding species. Wintering birds originate mainly from Western Europe (France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany,…) and some fr...Read More
Five Fulvous Whistling-Ducks and hundreds of nationally and globally threatened ducks were observed at Merja Fouarate, a suburban wetland adjacent to Kenitra, northwest Morocco. Cinq Dendrocygnes fauv...Read More
German-ringed Gull-billed Terns from the same family (a male and its young) observed together in northeast Morocco (see the English text below the second photo). Lors d’une récente visite au Pa...Read More
Le 19 juillet 2022, un Vautour de Rüppell (Gyps rueppelli) immature muni de marques alaires (M63) se trouvé dans un état critique de santé dans la région de Gharb (Douar Ben Hmida, caidat Sidi Bo...Read More