A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: El Hamoumi, R. ; Maire, B. ; Wissalmane, H. & Elmalki, S. 2014. Extension de l’aire de nidification de la Foulque caronculée Fulica cristata a...Read More
Très belle sortie en mer au large d’Agadir le 8 juin : Puffin des anglais : 12 ex, Puffin des Baléares : 7 ex, Puffin cendré : 150 ex, Puffin de scopoli : au moins 1 ex., Océanite de Wilson ...Read More
First breeding record of the Audouin’s Gull at Melilla: two pairs and 3 young (3-4 weeks) today, in a restricted area near the Moroccan border (Diego Jerez & Jesús Camacho)...Read More
A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Thévenot, M. & Bergier, P. 2014. Éléments de bibliographie ornithologique marocaine – 10. Go-South Bulletin 11 : 50-69....Read More
A White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus) was near Tétouan on 25 May 2014, with Rüppell’s and Griffon Vultures. This is the first record for Morocco, and it is only the 4th or 5th record for the...Read More
On a resent trip to Morocco 7/5/14 to 12/5/14 we were making our way to Zeida along the R505. We stopped about 10 Kms from the junction of the N 13 and viewed the area to the right hand side of the ro...Read More
Ruppell’s Vulture in the Straits. Several birds have been recorded recently in Tangier Peninsula: 3 Rüppell’s Vulture at Jbel Bouhachem Natural Park with 5 Griffon Vultures on 10 May PM, and ...Read More