Ratel Mellivora capensis is a rare and localized Mustelidae in a large part of its range in Morocco which is home to the largest Mediterranean population, if not almost the only one in this ecoregion....Read More
Below, some highlights of a week in the region of Tata/Goulimime/Tan Tan (Arnoud B. van den Berg) Near the well-known site 10 min east of Tissint, Tata, Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse were sound-recorde...Read More
At ‘Marais du Bou Regreg, Rabat-Salé’, c.600 Cattle Egrets seen in the marshes and visible in one side of the heronry but actual number could be up to 1000 birds, as numbers seem to increase towa...Read More
A Great Black-backed Gull (Goéland marin, Larus marinus) photographed at Salé (Rabat) on 3rd March (Pedro Fernandes, e-bird). Outside of Khnifiss, we are only aware of a couple of records each year ...Read More
Morocco Wetland Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2024 was launched in Tangier on 7 February. Some of the highlights of the action plan are: The inclusion of 30 new Moroccan wetlands in the List of Wetlan...Read More
First record of a House Bunting (Bruant du Sahara, Emberiza sahari) at Dakhla : a bird singing downtown (see map) on 4 March (Jean Chevallier). The closest record is at Tarfaya, 550 km to the North. ...Read More
In southern Spain, 257 northern bald ibises birds were released during 2004-2011 in the context of a project evaluating the efficacy of different controlled release methods. In 2008 reproduction in th...Read More
Franck Chevalier reports 2 Mute Swans (Cygnus olor, Cygne tuberculé) at Duna Blanca, end of the Bay of Dakhla, seen last Saturday 11 March by the oyster farmer Gérard Pourtoy (‘il n’a pas pr...Read More
A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Rihane, A. & El Hamoumi, R. 2017. Reproduction de la Spatule blanche Platalea leucorodia au barrage de l’Oued El Maleh (Mohammedia). Go-South Bull...Read More