‘Hier 17 mars au lac El Oulfa à Casablanca (en pleine ville), observation d’une héronnière mixte en pleine activité : au moins 24 nids d’Ibis falcinelle Plegadis falcinellus avec cou...Read More
‘At Merzouga lake there are plenty of birds. I had at least 4 Spotted Crakes a few days ago, and also 2 Water Pipits which I wasn’t expecting to see so far south!’ (Marc Illa) The water Pipi...Read More
Marc Illa and his team have captured 3 presumed ‘albistriata’ Subalpine Warblers on 14 March. ‘We have had a situation of dominant NE – E winds for the last days (including a strong NE san...Read More
So far, Marc Illa and his team have ringed 2 Balearic Woodchat Shrikes Lanius senator badius at Yasmina (actually the only Woodchats they have caught so far). ‘This taxon in probably not a rarity as...Read More
Bram Piot from Senegal Wildlife has analyzed the status of the Iberian Chiffchaff in Senegal : ‘The Iberian Chiffchaff is indeed quite frequent in northern Senegal. Recent reports mainly come f...Read More
Deux jeunes de quelques jours d’Oedicnème criard Burhinus oedicnemus à Mijk le 7 mars 2019 (Nico @ Dakhla Rovers, Gerald Broddelez et al.) This is the second breeding record for Mijk, an early one...Read More
Bernard Recorbet signalait un Fuligule à bec cerclé (Aythya collaris, Ring-necked Duck) mâle en plumage nuptial le 1 février à Oualidia (https://go-south.grepom.org/?p=6212). J. ven de Vries &...Read More
A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Kharraj, S. ; Hane, M.S. ; Kara, M. ; Laaroussi, M.A.S. & Qninba, A. 2019. Installation d’un Faucon lanier sur une aire de Buse féroce occupée (B...Read More
Paul Dufour signalait les raretés que lui et ses collègues avaient rencontrées dans la région de Dakhla (https://go-south.grepom.org/?p=6271). Voici les photos du Goéland marin vu à Dakhla le 19...Read More