Nouvelles observations à Mijk, dans l’arrière-pays de Dakhla, Sahara Atlantique (Franck Chevalier) : Un Bruant ortolan Emberiza hortulana et un Monticole merle-de-roche Monticola saxatilis le...Read More
Two species rarely seen in the Atlantic Sahara, photographed at Imlili (near Dakhla) mid-April by Abdeljebbar Qninba: A Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana, Bruant ortolan) A Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush...Read More
Great pictures from Lars Peterson Desert Sparrow: At Oued Jenna, we saw several hundreds in one flock, and the total was probably well over 500 birds that were present at the site. A very high percent...Read More
Première observation du Choucas des tours Corvus monedula à Ben Ahmed dans la Chaouia, 33°06’N 07°14’W, à 70 km au sud-est de Casablanca : cinq oiseaux le 16 avril 2017. Il s’agit d...Read More
Le 15 avril dans la région de Oualidia, la migration des Bergeronnettes printanières battait son plein avec une belle variétés de sous-espèces : flava, thunbergi, flavissima (cf photos) tandis q...Read More
‘I visited the heronry on two more occasions (30 March & 4 April) and it is larger than what I thought at first. I am now convinced that 50+ pairs of Glossy Ibis breed in the colony, but a more ...Read More
Franck Chevalier nous transmet ses récentes observations de la ferme de Mijk dans l’arrière-pays de Dakhla : 14 mars : un Crabier chevelu Ardeola ralloides 11 avril : bonne nouvelle avec la ré...Read More
‘The past month (March 2017) in southern Morocco, I have driven along 100s of kilometres of pylons. The number of perching large raptors roosting on them was shockingly low. Quite a difference with ...Read More
I visited the mouth of Oued Souss during three high tides on 2 and 3 April and was pleased by the high numbers of waterbirds (gulls, terns and waders). They were passing through, most of them just pau...Read More