‘I visited the heronry on two more occasions (30 March & 4 April) and it is larger than what I thought at first. I am now convinced that 50+ pairs of Glossy Ibis breed in the colony, but a more ...Read More
Franck Chevalier nous transmet ses récentes observations de la ferme de Mijk dans l’arrière-pays de Dakhla : 14 mars : un Crabier chevelu Ardeola ralloides 11 avril : bonne nouvelle avec la ré...Read More
‘The past month (March 2017) in southern Morocco, I have driven along 100s of kilometres of pylons. The number of perching large raptors roosting on them was shockingly low. Quite a difference with ...Read More
I visited the mouth of Oued Souss during three high tides on 2 and 3 April and was pleased by the high numbers of waterbirds (gulls, terns and waders). They were passing through, most of them just pau...Read More
Fascinant : le suivi migratoire d’un jeune Busard pâle (Pallid Harrier, Circus macrourus) finlandais In late June 2015, Potku, a female Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) breeding in Utajär...Read More
A Kelp Gull photographed at Akhfenir on 3rd April. On 4th April, Golden Sparrows (hard to get. About 50 birds in 2 flocks, but could easily have missed them. Majority just flew thorough, only a handfu...Read More
A second-summer female Pallid Harrier (Busard pâle, Circus macrourus) photographed at Ouarzazate on 2nd April (Ger de Hoog, Observation.org) ...Read More
Synthèse des observations réalisées en mars 2017 à Melilla par Diego Jerez et al. On trouvera dans http://avesynaturanorteafricanas.blogspot.fr plus de détails et de photos ainsi que des informat...Read More
Mhamed Khaffou provides his sightings in the Middle Atlas for March: see here Mhamed Khaffou nous transmet ses observations du Moyen Atlas pour le mois de mars: voir ici...Read More