October 2013

27 October 2013 A successful breeding of Common Bulbul (Pycnonotus barbatus) has been confirmed in Tarifa (Cádiz), representing the first breeding record of this African species for the Iberian Penin... Read More

September 2013

19 September 2013 Reproduction estivale du Grand Cormoran à 12 km au nord-est d’Akhfenir par 28°09’N 11°57’W. Le 22 août, 32 individus sont comptés et huit nids sont visibles et occupés, d... Read More

August 2013

23 August 2013 Observations du GOMAC au Cap Rhir le 19 août entre 9h et 11h : Calonectris borealis : 1810 ex., Puffinus griseus : 4, Puffinus sp : 2 (P. puffinus probablement), Morus bassanus : 10, M... Read More

July 2013

27 July 2013 A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. 2013. Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax): a new breeding species in the Mass... Read More

June 2013

24 June 2013 Two new papers are available in Go-South Bulletin: Qninba, A. ; Albouy, S. ; El Agbani, M.A. ; Bergier, P. & Thévenot, M. 2013. Sites de nids originaux chez le Gobemouche gris Mus... Read More

May 2013

30 May 2013 Results of ringing effort at Massa, spring 2013: ‘During the prenuptial ringing campaign we captured a total of 931 birds, corresponding to 44 species from 13 different families (includi... Read More

April 2013

30 April 2013 A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Venet, G. & Bergier, P. 2013. La bibliographie ornithologique de René de Naurois. Go-South Bulletin 10 : 106-112. 28 April 2013 T... Read More

March 2013

23 March 2013 Whilst in Western Sahara recently (28th Feb to 14th March), I visited Oued Jenna. While birding an area of Acacia scrub 200m on the north side of the road, I was approached by military p... Read More

January 2013

27 January 2013 Recent records from North and Atlantic Sahara: 6 January 2013 Sidi El Abed: Bluethroat 1   7 January 2013 Lac de Sidi Bourhaba: White-headed Duck 100+, Marsh Owl 1   8 Januar... Read More


25 December 2012 Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël 22 December 2012 Records from Morocco & Western Sahara, 10-24 November: At Layoune, 200 Black-winged Stilt on 14 Nov, 16 Mediterranean Gull and 2 Bla... Read More