Un oiseau photographié à l’Hôtel Dakhla Vagabond le 4 décembre 2013 (info M. Roost). Au Sahara Atlantique, les observations les plus basses en latitude viennent de la région de Layoune (Baouab ...Read More
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus, dead on the road, 34 Km South of Tarfaya, 12 December 2014 (M. Roost et al.) 9 December, road to Awserd: 2 Spectacled Warbler at Gleb Jdiane, 40 Desert Sparrow at Km 120...Read More
A young Brent Goose (Bernache cravant – Branta bernicla) at Sidi Bouzerktoune to the North of Essaouira on 23 December and an Allen’s Gallinule (Talève d’Allen – Porphyrio alleni) photogr...Read More
A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Bergier, P. ; Franchimont, J. et CHM 2015. Les oiseaux rares au Maroc. Rapport de la Commission d’Homologation Marocaine numéro 20. Go-South Bul...Read More
Bubo ascalaphus, Derraman, 24 octobre 2014 (A. Qninba) Two new papers are available in Go-South Bulletin: Ramos Melo, J.J. & Lozano Robledo, C. 2014. African Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus ...Read More
It has rained a tremendous amount in South Morocco the last weeks. A lot of roads are closed and many bridges are flushed away. Especially in the area of Sidi Ifni and Goulmime there are still a lot o...Read More