July 2013

27 July 2013 A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Ramos Melo, J.J. & González del Campo, P. 2013. Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax): a new breeding species in the Mass... Read More

June 2013

24 June 2013 Two new papers are available in Go-South Bulletin: Qninba, A. ; Albouy, S. ; El Agbani, M.A. ; Bergier, P. & Thévenot, M. 2013. Sites de nids originaux chez le Gobemouche gris Mus... Read More

May 2013

30 May 2013 Results of ringing effort at Massa, spring 2013: ‘During the prenuptial ringing campaign we captured a total of 931 birds, corresponding to 44 species from 13 different families (includi... Read More

April 2013

30 April 2013 A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Venet, G. & Bergier, P. 2013. La bibliographie ornithologique de René de Naurois. Go-South Bulletin 10 : 106-112. 28 April 2013 T... Read More

March 2013

23 March 2013 Whilst in Western Sahara recently (28th Feb to 14th March), I visited Oued Jenna. While birding an area of Acacia scrub 200m on the north side of the road, I was approached by military p... Read More

January 2013

27 January 2013 Recent records from North and Atlantic Sahara: 6 January 2013 Sidi El Abed: Bluethroat 1   7 January 2013 Lac de Sidi Bourhaba: White-headed Duck 100+, Marsh Owl 1   8 Januar... Read More


25 December 2012 Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël 22 December 2012 Records from Morocco & Western Sahara, 10-24 November: At Layoune, 200 Black-winged Stilt on 14 Nov, 16 Mediterranean Gull and 2 Bla... Read More


20 December 2011 Joyeuses fêtes de Noël, à bientôt en 2012 / Merry Christmas and see you soon in 2012. 20 December 2011 Mid December at Essaouira: all the active nests of Plain Martin found so far... Read More


21 December 2010 Joyeuses fêtes de Noël, à bientôt en 2011 / Merry Christmas and see you soon in 2011. 21 December 2010 Le complexe des Pie-grièches ‘grises’ au Maroc. Certains consid... Read More


23 December 2009 Adriano and Alessio are back from a trip along the South Atlantic coast – from Tamri to Dakhla – and have managed to read 148 rings of Lesser Black-backed Gull, 580 (!) of... Read More