Superbe découverte de l’équipe de BIOME Consulting : des Engoulevents dorés sur la route d’Aousserd, 16 mars : ‘… At km137 a nightjar species flew across the road (our first nightjar in fiv...Read More
A new paper is available in Go-South Bulletin: Ichen, A. ; Benhoussa, A. ; Maghnouj, M. & Rguibi Idrissi, H. 2016. Biométrie de la Caille des blés (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) au Maroc : ca...Read More
Juan Luis Ortega, Borja Matute & Román Escudero : A Little Owl at the Km 13 marker (Aguerguer area) perched on the stone that marks the kilometer point, 18 March The Western Reef Heron Egretta g...Read More
Another record of Namaqua Dove (Tourterelle du Cap, Oena capensis): 3 birds in an acacia grove 3 km before Aousserd yesterday 18 March (Juan Luis Ortega, Borja Matute & Román Escudero)...Read More
17 mars 2016 : sur la rive espagnole du Détroit de Gibraltar, Juan Ramírez Román et Blas López notent quatre Vautours moines (Aegypius monachus, Cinereous Vulture) arrivant du Maroc. Observatio...Read More
Scrub Warbler: a single bird approximately 10km north of the Dakhla turn road junction PK40 (23°57’N 15°39’W on the track to Agricole Nagoir, in an isolated low scrub area just south of the trac...Read More
A possible Kelp Gull at Dakhla, West promenade sea front (on open ground in front of a commercial building with several blue doors), on 12 March. Here is Martin’s description : ‘… noticeably...Read More
Le couple de Chevêches d’Athéna de Gleib Jediane / Tachktant a élevé deux jeunes qui commencent à quitter le nid (F. Chevalier, M. Belhaj, J. Chevalier et al.), ce qui fait remonter la ponte à...Read More