2 March 2014

Short update on my recent findings: — Feb. 18. Agdz-Zagora: Moroccan Wagtail almost at every bridge over the Draa that I visited. Moustached Warbler at the bridge 7 km from Agdz, feeding betwee... Read More

2 March 2014

‘We flew into Agadir on 6 Feb 14 & met our hired car peeps. After a 1.5 day of driving, 1150 km drive we finally arrived into the Southern coastal town of Dakhla: our base for the next 5 nig... Read More

2 March 2014

Grupo de Trabajo sobre el mosquitero iberico. ‘Hola a todos, os escribo para invitaros a participar en un nuevo grupo de trabajo que se esta poniendo en marcha desde el Grupo Ibérico de Anillam... Read More

February 2013

27 February 2013 ‘Our trip to West Sahara was a great success. We saw everything we wished with only one exception (Kelp Gull). The most interesting place was near Awserd where we saw more than ... Read More

14 February 2014

Recent records from Southern Morocco and South Atlantic Morocco: Many Spilotila clamans along the last 50 km to Awserd, with several family parties and 30+ territories Grus grus: 13 at Massa on 26 Jan... Read More

12 February 2014

The Iceland Gull was still present this morning at Oued Chebeika. It did not look too healthy: when lying down his right wing is on the ground…. On 9 February at Oued Jenna there were not many... Read More

11 February 2014

In addition to the first winter Iceland Gull seen at Oued Chebeika on 4 February (Cees de Vries, see post of 8 Feb), there has been other records of rare gulls records along the Atlantic coast : two... Read More